GEELY RIDDARA 港澳戰略合作啟新章,純電PICK-UP巔峰之作登陸港澳市場!

GEELY RIDDARA 港澳戰略合作啟新章,純電PICK-UP巔峰之作登陸港澳市場!

繼成功將LYNK & CO引入澳門後,宏益集團再度攜手吉利汽車,於GEELY RIDDARA全球經銷商大會上正式簽約GEELY RIDDARA港澳總代理,以「冠軍級純電PICK-UP」重塑市場格局!
作為中國電動PICK-UP市場三連冠得主(2022-2024),GEELY RIDDARA將憑藉商用級強悍性能、破界智能科技、超長續航實力,同時滿足商業運營與家庭多元場景需求,為港澳電動車領域樹立新標桿。

Following the successful introduction of LYNK & CO in Macau, Vang Iek Group joins forces with Geely Auto once again, officially signing as the dealer for GEELY RIDDARA at the Global Dealer Conference. Together, we redefine the market landscape with our “Champion-Class All-Electric Pickup”!
As the three-time consecutive champion (2022-2024) in China’s electric pick-up market, GEELY RIDDARA combines industrial-grade power, groundbreaking smart technology, and industry-leading range to meet both commercial operational demands and diverse family lifestyle needs, setting a new benchmark for electric mobility in Hong Kong and Macau.